What Does A Digital Learning Designer Do?


A digital learning designer crafts interactive e-learning solutions, ensuring learners stay engaged and motivated to complete training.
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More and more people are turning to online platforms to learn new skills, creating an increasing demand for professionals who can design engaging and effective learning experiences. One such role is the digital learning designer. But what does this role involve? Let’s find out!

What does a digital learning designer do?

As learning moves more online, digital learning designers are becoming essential. But what do they actually do, and why are they so important in today’s education?

According to Bianca Raby, an expert online educator, in one of her YouTube videos.

“Learning Design (…) is all about crafting an experience based on how people learn, both on and offline. It’s more grounded in learning theory and less of a top-down approach. Learning Designers are just as much curators as they are creators, so they take more ownership of learner engagement.”

In short, a digital learning designer creates interactive e-learning solutions, ensuring learners stay engaged and motivated to complete their training. Let’s break down the main responsibilities.

Creates digital learning materials

Digital learning designers develop materials such as videos, presentations, quizzes, and interactive modules. They ensure these materials engage and support the learner’s journey, whether that is understanding a new topic or developing a specific skill.

Moodle and Totara allow users to integrate various tools, making them excellent LMS options for companies, NGOs, government organizations, and universities.

Works with educators

Digital learning designers do not work alone. They often collaborate with subject matter experts, teachers, or trainers to understand the key content. Together, they figure out the best way to present the information in a way that is easy for learners to grasp.

Learn more about Moodle and Totara features that make learning more entertaining!

Develops engaging course content

It is not just about presenting facts; the content needs to capture the learner’s interest. Digital learning designers make sure the content is interactive, so learners are actively engaged rather than passively absorbing information. This can involve adding quizzes, activities, or even games to make the experience both fun and educational. In addition to built-in features, Moodle and Totara allow users to add plugins that introduce gamification elements, making learning even more enjoyable.

Edits multimedia components

Multimedia is a key element in digital learning. Whether it is videos, images, or audio, digital learning designers ensure these components fit seamlessly with the course. They handle both design and technical aspects to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Tests and resolves issues with tools

After the course or learning material is created, the digital learning designer tests everything to make sure it works across various devices and platforms. If there are any issues such as broken links or videos not playing correctly, they troubleshoot and fix them before learners can access the content. Digital learning designers often fine-tune the course based on the feedback of students. Moodle and Totara allow users to generate quality assurance surveys with just a few clicks.

Digital learning design involves planning, creating, implementing, and testing e-learning solutions.


What is digital learning?

Digital learning is education delivered through technology, like online courses, virtual classrooms, or e-learning programs, using interactive videos, quizzes, and other digital tools instead of traditional textbooks.

What is digital learning design?

Digital learning design involves planning, creating, implementing, and testing e-learning solutions.

Where can I find digital learning designer jobs?

If you are looking for digital learning designer positions, check out job listing sites like Indeed, LinkedIn, and Glassdoor. You can also reach out to companies directly or visit their careers pages to find open positions.

SKOLL: professional e-leaning designers

At SKOLL, we take pride in offering comprehensive e-learning solutions, covering every aspect of the value chain with a talented and diverse team. From teachers and trainers to developers, we bring together experts to create seamless learning experiences. With our e-learning designer collegues, we ensure that education is accessible, engaging, and effective.

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    SKOLL is one of the largest Hungarian companies specialising in online education, e-learning systems and digital learning materials. Our team includes teachers, scriptwriters, graphic designers, video crew, programmers and curriculum developers. With over 10 years of experience, we fully cover the complex e-learning value chain.

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