When talking about e-learning, we are not only thinking of learning materials or training, but also of all the IT tools that together create a platform with conditions for effective learning. Such a key IT tool is the so-called Learning Management System (LMS for short), which functions as a kind of basic framework.
By courses we mean Virtual Classrooms, through which we can share learning materials with students as well as keep in touch with them.
Displaying e-learning materials that would be difficult to comprehend on their own. An important element is the monitoring of student progress.
Easy retrieval of reports on user progress and learning efficiency, which can be downloaded in Microsoft Excel format.
Exams can be created and parameterized easily and quickly, and the closed-ended questions are automatically evaluated and scored by the system.
In summary, in order to be able to organize your training in a digital / online environment, you first need an LMS. And this is where we come into the picture! All you have to do is make decisions, we do everything else! Over the years, through trial and error, we have encountered all the difficulties of system implementations, so we can confidently recommend our own good practices with which the implementation process runs smoothly and the result is a user-friendly, popular platform. We do not abandon you after implementation, we provide helping hands for both operation and use.
In recent years, we have introduced more than 50 open source e-learning systems (Moodle) and training management systems specifically for large companies (Totara), most of which we still operate today. Our programming colleagues work on installation, integration into the local IT infrastructure, customization, and our e-learning consultants help training providers and portal administrators take advantage of the systems. In our experience, a cost-effective solution is to choose a ready to go system that has the most important e-learning and / or training management functions by default. For this reason, we focus on the market-leading Moodle and Totara systems, which meet a wide range of customer needs.
If you’re interested in what a good e-learning courseware looks like, how we make a process look like, what principles we follow when creating a courseware, what types of courseware you can choose from or if you’re just interested in the professional side of e-learning, then contact us by clicking on CONTACT or browse our posts!
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Totara Customization Tips: Tailor-Made Learning
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Totara Implementation Made Easy: Essential Tips
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